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Beard Transplant
Beard Transplant
Beard transplantation is a well-known aesthetic treatment favored by many people. The beard treatment is easy and fast for men who want an intensive and regular beard and who are not satisfied with their appearance.
Regarding to the method of application, the hair follicles are obtained from the donor with the same method of hair transplantation and are planted in the treated area.
The beard transplant can be applied to the cheeks, jaws and mustaches. The hair follicles that will be implanted must be adapted to the fineness, thickness and frequency of the area of the face where the person wishes to plant the follicles. As a result, the place where the hair follicles will be taken is determined.
Who Can Do The Beard Transplant?
The beard transplant can be made for men who want an intensive and regular beard and who have scars and traces of beard can do in order to close these traces, or people younger than their age or their beard grows unevenly can undergo a beard transplant.
How To Do Beard Transplant?
The beard transplant performed by the FUE method, a technique used in hair transplantation. After local anesthesia, the hair follicles are usually taken from the donor region. The follicles can be obtained from the upper part of the cheek. The hair follicles are implanted one by one. During planting, the direction of the hair follicles is taken into account to obtain the natural appearance of the beard.
The beard transplant does not cause pain due to local anesthesia. Recovery after the operation is also easy because the operation is without incision. The patient can leave the hospital on the same day of the procedure.
After Beard Transplant
After Beard transplant surgery, small crusts appear in the beard due to bleeding caused by the FUE technique. These wounds heal in about two weeks, the face must be protected from blows and hard activities and exercises must be avoided.
It is important to maintain the dryness of the area where the beard was planted. Your doctor will tell you when you can wash your face for the first time. Small crusts are cured within two weeks after surgery.
During the first month, the hair falls and the permanent hair begin to grow. To maintain the hair of the beard, you can shave your beard at the time recommended by your doctor. This period usually takes one month.
The final recovery varies between 6 and 18 months. And there is any trace in the face after the operation.
Price Of Beard Transplant
The price of the beard transplant is determined by the number of hair follicles to plant. This leads to a price of the beard transplant that varies from person to person.
For more information about Beard Transplant please fill out the contact form below and request an appointment.

- Genital Aesthetic
- Face Aesthetic
- Hair Transplantation
- FUE Hair Transplant
- DHI Hair Transplant
- Beard Transplant
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